Satellite Automated Meter Reading System
Preferred Controls Endorsed by the State of North Dakota Office of the State Engineer Water Appropriation Division as capable of providing telemetry services meeting the reporting requirements.
Telemetry requirements and Industrial Water Depot Policies of the State of North Dakota states the telemetry system must be capable of reporting at least one meter reading per day to the web services hosted by the State Engineer's Office. Since the purpose of the telemetry system is to monitor total water use, only a single telemetry system is required if there is a "master meter" which monitors all of the water use at a water depot. If a water depot has both ground water and surface water sources, a separate meter and telemetry system for each water source is required. If a water depot does not have a "master meter", a telemetry monitoring system needs to be attached to each meter. The telemetry system is required to remain attached to the meter for the duration of the water permit's allocation period, since telemetry is calibrated to work with the water meter. In the case of a temporary water permit, once a water meter and telemetry is installed, the meter and telemetry must remain in place until the water permit expires, or when the depot is permanently closed by the permit holder. After a telemetry system has been installed, monthly meter reading reports will still be required for several months to ensure that the telemetry installation is functioning correctly. The monthly meter reports also provide necessary information for calibrating the telemetry system. Once the State of North Dakota is confident that the telemetry system is functioning correctly, the monthly meter reports will be discontinued for the site.
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